Storability And Seed Quality Assessment Of Niger (Guizotia Abyssinica) Seeds Stored In Ambient Conditions

Research Article
Jaya Singh., Seema Paroha and Ravi Prakash Mishra
Guizotia abyssinica, Niger, Oilseeds, Seed quality, seed storability

The present study investigates the effect of storage on seed quality parameters of niger (Guizotia abyssinica), a marginal oilseed crop of Central India. The studied quality parameters were: percentage of vital molecules (oil content, protein and sugars), markers of seed deterioration (lipid peroxides, proline content) and activity of antioxidative enzymes (peroxidase, catalase) in the seeds stored for a period of seven years under ambient conditions. The results revealed that during storage, oil content reduced by 13%, protein by 18.4%, total sugar by 23.4% and reducing sugars by 45.6%. The seed deterioration markers increased as storage time increased. Proline content increased by 20.22% while malonaldehyde (lipid peroxide) increased by 32.6%. The antioxidative enzyme activity decreased by 45.5% for peroxidase and 36.2% for catalase respectively. Statistical analysis shows that niger seeds can be stored for one year without any significant loss of quality and upto 4 years with marginal loss of quality parameters