Aim: A cross sectional study were conducted among 1341adolescents aged 10 to 19 years for the problems of adolescents in rural and urban areas, assess the Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP)among Adolescents regarding their Health and Rights and compare the KAP of Health and Rights among early, mid and late Adolescents. Methodology: All subjects were randomly selected. A questionnaire was distributed among the selected students. Responses were collected on the same day in confidential manner. They were examined for their weight by Libra Weighting Scale(± 50 grams), Height with wooden stadiometer (in centimeter), BMI was calculated as the ratio of weight (in Kg) and square of height (in cm), and General Physical examination done and recorded in their respective form. Results: To find out significance difference between dependent and independent variables, Chi-Square test for categorical data and Student’s t-test for numerical data were applied. Statistical significance was taken at p-value <0.05. Conclusions: This study was concluded that under nutrition at 36.8%, 8% of the OPD attendees were depression, about 80% adolescents knew about condom as a measure for safe sex, married were 1.78%, Romantic relationships were 15%, Premarital sexual experiences 7.44%. The knowledge of contraceptive method in urban adolescents (55%) and in rural were 37%.. Forced sexual experiences were complained by 3.28%. It was significantly high in rural, female and early adolescents. Alcohol addicted (8.57%), tobacco (2.83% ) and other drugs (1.19%) adolescents. (>90%) of adolescents followed safety measure on the road, while 14.49% had ever been injured. 14.32% and 7.46% were in violent activity under peer pressure. 84% adolescents were good relation with parents. awareness about their rights was low (10.14%).