Introduction: Assertiveness is stated as inter personal behavior which promotes quality in human relationship enabling an individual to act in his/her own best interest stand up for himself / herself without anxiety to express honest feelings comfortably and exercise his/her own rights without denying the rights of others. Objectives: To assess the level of assertiveness among the IInd year B.Sc nursing students. To find out the association between level of assertiveness among second year B.Sc Nursing students with their selected socio demographic variables. Material and methods: The present community based cross- sectional descriptive study was conducted in Narayana Nursing Institutions, Nellore, Andhra Pradesh state(India). The study sample included 100 B.Sc nursing students selected by purposive sampling technique. Results and Discussion: The findings of the study revealed that out of 100 B.Sc nursing students, 3(3%) students had are non-assertive, 6(6%) students are situationally non assertive, 27(27%) students are somewhat assertive, 41(41%) students are assertive and 23(23%) are probably aggressive. Conclusion: the study concluded that majority of B.Sc nursing students are assertive