A Study To Assess The Effect Of Social Network Utilization On Academic Performance Of Students In Selected Colleges Of Pune City

Research Article
Christi Jecklin Edwin, Joe joseph Thomas, Priti Ingale, Akanksha Kamble, Rani kapare, K Swetha Damini Londhe, Kalpna Mavachi, Priyanka Mawale and Mariya James
Assess, effect, social network, utilization, academic performance.

Background: Among the general population, students are especially sensitive to social media and smart phones because of their pervasiveness. Several studies have shown that there is a negative correlation between social media and academic performance since they can lead to behaviors that hurt students' careers. Aim: to assess the effect of social network utilization on academic performance of students in selected colleges of Pune. Methods: A descriptive study was done on 500 college students, convenient sampling technique was adopted to select the samples, selfstructured questionnaire was made to assess effect of social network utilization on academic performance of students in selected colleges of Pune. Results: Majority 212(42.4%)were in age group 19 – 21 years,169(33.8%) in 16 -18 year,119 (23.8%) were in age group 22 years and above. 311(62%) were male & 189(38%) were female. 496(99%) were in science stream.325(65%) were used all the sites, 62(12.4%) used educational site,226 (45.6%) were used social network 1-2hrs, 196(39.2%) were used 2-4hrs, 63(12.6%) were used 4-6hrs and 15(3%) were used above 6hrs. (93.6%) were interested to use social network. Majority 393(78.6%) were used social network on mobile, 244 (48.8%) were used 1GB data , 201(40.2%) were used 2GB , 41(8.2%) were used 3GB and 14 (2.8%) used>3GB data in a day.247(49.4%) charged their Phone one time a day,211(42.4%) two times a day, 31(6.2%) three times a day and 11(2.2%)>3 times in a day. The P-Value = 0.005 it indicate there is strong evidence that social network is affects academic performance. Conclusion: Finding from this study revealed that social network utilization affect academic performance of students in selected colleges.