Introduction: Mental health can be defined as the successful performance of mental function ;resulting in the productive activities ;fulfilling relationship with other people and the ability to adapt to change and cope with adversity from early childhood until late life Objectives: To assess the level of knowledge of the family members regarding altered parenting and psychiatric problems To assess the level of knowledge of the family members regarding heredity and psychiatric problems . To assess the attitude of the family members regarding altered parenting and psychiatric problems . To assess the attitude of the family members regarding heredity and psychiatric problems. Material and methods: The present community based cross- sectional study was conducted in NMCH,at Nellore, Andhra Pradesh state(India). The study sample included 60 family members of psychiatric patients selected by convenience sampling technique.Results and Discussion:- the result shows that 56% of family members are having below average knowledge,43%are having average knowledge and 1% is having above average knowledge regarding the impact of altered parenting and heredity on psychiatric problems.55% of family members were having below average attitude level,41% have average attitude level and 4% were having above average attitude regarding the impact of altered parenting and heredity on psychiatric problems. The Co-relation coefficient of attitude and knowledge( r) is 0.3942. Conclusion: The findings of study revealed that there is a significant relationship between the knowledge and attitude of the family members on impact of altered parenting and heredity and psychiatric problems