Public transportation (PT) and intermediate public transportation (IPT) are very important component of urban system. Their contribution to the physical, economic, social and cultural development to any city is very well documented. The holistic growth of city, primarily depends on the quality of both. But now a days, the pressure on PT and IPT are rapidly increasing due to hasty growth in population of urban cities, which results in dilapidation of quality. The poor quality of PT and IPT results in increasing dominance of private vehicles. Therefore, to improve service quality and address the various issues, assessment of PT and IPT is needed. This study is concerned about the assessment of PT and IPT for Udaipur city and identifies the major issues related with service quality. In this paper, assessment of PT and IPT is done by the method of route rationalization, which helps to find the issues related not only to service quality but also to physical quality. This paper provides an overview on literature study, research methods and methodology, existing PT and IPT characteristics of Udaipur city. Also, the end of this paper concludes with suggestion to improve service quality of PT and IPT in case study area.