Study Of The Association Of Postnatal Risk Factors In Children With Learning Disability

Research Article
Shaikh Murtuja., Rathi Surbhi., Subramaniam Alka., Kondekar Santosh and Shah Heenal

Introduction: Learning disability (LD) is a term that refers to a heterogeneous group of neurobehavioral disorders manifested by significant unexpected, specific and persistent difficulties in the acquisition and use of efficient reading (dyslexia), writing (dysgraphia) or mathematical abilities (dyscalculia). A broad range of factors may affects neurodevelopmental outcome, including postnatal factors like low birth weight, hyaline membrane disease, intraventricular hemorrhage, hypoglycemia, meningitis, hypothyroidism, hyperbilirubinemia and prematurity. Aims and Objectives: Percentage of children with LD having association with postnatal risk factors and other co morbid conditions like ADHD and Seizure disorder in these children. Material and Methods: Retrospective Case control study, minimum sample size is 120 each of case and control. Results: The mean age of children presenting for evaluation of LD and diagnosed as learning disabled was 13.16 years (SD of 1.77years) and control was 12.87 (SD of 1.69). The male to female ratio in cases was 3.25:1 and among the controls the ratio was 4.46:1. Postnatal risk factors found to have a highly significant (p value <0.01) association in this study were hyperbilirubinemia 20 (16.7%), and hypoglycemia 7 (5.8%).LD cases had associated ADHD and 10 (8.3%) had seizure. Conclusions: Postnatal risk factors found to have a highly significant (p value <0.01) association in this study were hyperbilirubinemia 20 (16.7%), and hypoglycemia 7 (5.8%). ADHD and Seizure disorder were found to be associated with LD. Significant association was found between developmental delay and LD cases as compared to controls (p value <0.01).