The present study is carried with the objective to find the significant difference on Employee retention strategies and job attitude (job commitment, job involvement and job satisfaction) among Small, Medium and Large IT sectors in Bangalore city. By using quota sampling method 150 IT sector employees (Small sector=50, Medium Sector=50 and Large sector=50) from Bangalore city were collected. This study explored various aspects of Job Attitude and Retention Strategies. Job Attitude Scale (JAS), (2004) developed by Jayan, Anders Dockel (2003) used to collect primary data. The results obtained in the study reveal the most influencing factors of retention in Small, Medium and Large IT sectors. Significantly very high difference was found among all three sectors. Employees of Large IT sectors have indicated of getting more compensation, job characteristics, working environment, training and career development, whereas employees of Medium IT sectors have indicated of getting more flexibility in job and work life policies. Employees of Large IT sectors are more committed, involved and satisfied with the job than Small and Medium IT sector employees.