Background: Alcohol consumption leads to abnormalities in various cell lines. However the association between haematological abnormalities and complications in alcohol dependence syndrome have not been established fully Aim: To evaluate the frequency and spectrum of abnormalities in blood indices and blood cytology in patients with Alcohol dependence syndrome Methodology: Population for study consisted of 65 consecutive patients diagnosed to have Alcohol Dependence Syndrome admitted in De-addiction ward. Patients were sub grouped based on the complications they developed during withdrawal period. Thorough clinical examination was done and relevant blood investigations were done and interpreted with the help of a clinical pathologist. Results: High statistical significance of AUDIT score in diagnosis of alcohol dependence and withdrawal complications was found(p=0.001). Majority of patients were in the age group of 31-40 years.RBC count and platelet count was found to be significantly reduced in alcohol dependence syndrome with complications(p0.05). High prevalence of macrocytosis (15.4%), eosinophilia (15.4%), thrombocytopenia (13.8%), lymphocytosis (10.8%) were found in alcohol dependence syndrome and higher values were observed in complications. Conclusion: Detailed evaluation of blood cytology and blood indices should be done at an early stage during management of Alcohol dependence syndrome along with AUDIT to detect patients who can develop complications.