A Study On Molestation Alleged By Juveniles Among The Distinct Part Of India

Research Article
Amit Chauhan and Manisha
Molestation, Juvenile, society, factors, offences, etc.

Now a day, a growing number of molestation throughout the world has become problem for the people and law informant agencies. Although, abundant studies had been conducted over this predicament from the pledged factors either social, psychological or any other factor. Childhood sexual abuse by the knowns, which is one of the largely been neglected in our society. Sometimes, the sexual corrections are directed against the male that took place in a variety of settings including the home, workplace, streets prisons and even in police custody too. This study was conducted for consideration to estimate of juveniles involved in such offences in two territories of India which includes the northern territory and southern territory. In this study, the available date of National crime record bureau was used which was released in 2016.