A study on organic production practices being followed by organic potato growers in Belagavi district of Karnataka. The primary data were collected from 60 organic potato growers through structured questionnaire method for the study. It was found that cent per cent of the farmers prepared their land to fine tilth by deep ploughing and harrowing 2-3 times. There were high per cent of the farmers (81.67%) per cent were found to be select the tubers from certified organic farms having at least two buds which weigh around 35-40 g for planting. Majority of the respondent farmers (80.00%) were used to treat the tubers with trichoderma solution at the rate of 4 kg/50 litre of water for 10 minutes before sowing. that there were cent per cent of the respondents applying the recommended rate of farm yard manure (8-10 t/acre) in the cultivation of the organic potato crop. In the other hand there were 95.00 per cent of the farmers applied vermicompost at the rate of 1 - 1.5 t/acre to the potato crop. 81.66 per cent of the farmers using Azospirillum at the rate of 1-2 kg/acre for the soil application. 66.66 per cent of the farmers noticed that used phosphate solubilizer at the rate of 1-2 kg/acre for soil application. There were high per cent (93.33%) of the farmers practiced crop rotation with non-host crop for breaking the life cycle of insects and pests. high per cent of the farmers (96.66%) noticed that practicing seed or tuber treatment with Trichoderma @ 4kg per 50 liter of water. majority of the farmers (83.33%) use the method of haulm chopping. Cent per cent of the farmers found to grade their produce as per recommended (small, medium and large size). 90.00 per cent of the respondent farmers were getting the yield of organic potato around 20-25 t/acre.