Man lives in society. It is the collection of individuals united by certain relations or mode of behavior which mark them off from others who do not enter into these relations or who differ from in behaviour. It is also a complex web of social relations. This relation is the result of interaction of social people. Society is changeable. When social people can’t keep pace with social change properly, they face, especially in industrialized society, multifarious problems which require professional, knowledge based & sustainable solution. To meet these problems effectively, social work has been emerged. Social work is a helping profession which fundamentally and radically aims to assist the individuals, groups and community to cope with their complex socio-economic psychological problems through enabling themselves so that they can solve their problem by helping themselves. According to one of the great pioneer Walter A Friedlander, social work methods are divided into two parts. These are: Basic methods: It includes another three parts such as (1) social case work (2) social group work (3) community social work. Auxiliary/Secondary methods: It also includes 3 parts. These are - (1) social action (2) social administration (3) social research. Social work is a concept of the social science of doing well for each other personally as well as collectively. It refers to a collective approach of reducing suffering and disadvantages and increasingly happiness and advantages of the community members with the active participation and involvement of individuals as well as government and Non-government organization. The Study is Purely Theoretical. The Study is based on secondary data sources. The necessary information about Role of Social Work its various components are collected from Books, Journals, Internet Source or related topic. The Researcher study about the Role of Social work in resolving the problems of Persons in detail, The Research Work includes, Concept of Social Work, Methodology, and Role of Social work in resolving the problems of Persons etc.