Literature is the medium to express the sufferings and agony of a person to the society. Most of the women writers throughout the world tried their hand to present the long suffering and unheard excruciation of a woman in the traditional and patriarchal society. This paper attempts to deal with the Indian woman writer Shashi Deshpande and the Canadian writer Margaret Atwood’s presentation of a realistic picture of woman in the egoistical, hypocritical and entirely insensitive male dominated society. In Deshpande’s Roots and Shadows and Atwood’s The Edible Woman the protagonists Indu and Marian are seen as docile and submissive women, who are ruled by the interests of Jayant and Peter. At last both the characters Indu and Marian break the silence and finds self-realisation. They become assertive tries to create space to themselves to lead an independent life.