Aim: To investigate the efficacy of two treatment options (splint therapy, and physical therapy) in patients suffering from temporomandibular joint pain and clicking.
Materials and Methods: In this study, 40 patients were included suffering from temporomandibular joint disorders randomly divided into two groups. 20 patients were given TENS therapy (group I) and 20 patients given splint therapy (group II). In all the two groups, subjective and objective assessments were evaluated at the time of diagnosis, after the first week of initiation of therapy and every week for three months of follow up.
Results: There was gradual reduction seen in VAS scores, muscle tenderness, TMJ clicking and significant improvement in mouth opening in Group II therapy during the follow-up period as compared to Group I therapy.
Conclusion: The conventional soft occlusal splint therapy is a much safer and effective mode of a conservative line of therapy in comparison to TENS therapy in patients with TMJ pain and dysfunction.