A study on visual outcome of descemetopexy in post cataract surgery descemet membrane detachment in a eye hospital in jharkhand

Research Article
Dr Smita Anand and Dr Sambhavee Priya
Descemetopexy, Descemet detachment, SICS complication, Pneumatopexy

Aim: A study on visual outcome of descemetopexy in post cataract surgery descemet membrane detachment in an eye hospital in Jharkhand. Methods:This is retrospective cohort study. Total of 83 patients who underwent descemetopexy were included in the study. Cases were determined on the basis of assessment of size and location of detached Descemet membrane post cataract surgery. Intracameral air injection was given and post operative follow ups were done. All cases underwent small incision cataract surgery (SICS). Result: Wilcoxon signed rank sum test was done to compare the baseline and final best corrected visual acuity (BCVA). Snellen’s equivalent median & mean of baseline BCVA  was 1.00(6/60) & 1.13(0.49) respectively while final BCVA was 0.48(6/18) & 0.57(0.52) respectively. Conclusion: Modern cataract surgery is considered a refractive surgery these days and a complication like Descemet membrane detachment can lead to severe visual morbidity unless actively intervened. Descemetopexy using air can be beneficial in such cases and early vision restoration is seen.