The socio-economic status (SES) of the family influences the cognitive development, identity building, moral development, socio-emotional development, and all other characteristics of the individual. Among socio-economic status level the income, education, and occupation are important indices. But some and other the expenditure item is also considered the factor of measuring SES of the individual. Indian society is based on caste, language, religion and regions. The study is very useful as the main objective is to contribute the findings for the welfare of Maha Dalit and Dalit students. The topic is very important as it covers the priority areas of University Grants Commission. Hence A Study of Aspiration and Adjustment Problem of Maha Dalit and Dalit +2 Students is very appropriate and it envisages the problems of downtrodden. Sample: a random-cum purposive sample of 300 Maha Dalit and Dalit caste +2 high school students’ groups of Gaya town will be served as subjects. Personal data sheet will be developed by the investigator itself to collect information concerning demographic data. Educational Aspiration Scale (Saxena, S.K. 1984) will be used. findings are result shows that the Maha Dalit and Dalit groups differ significantly on levels of Realistic Long-range Educational Aspiration