Survey Study Of Pre Diagnosed Hypertensive Male Subjects And It’ S Association With Manas Prakruti

Research Article
Rajat Narayan Singh and Umesh S. Ghate
Manas Prakruti, Prediagnosed Hypertensive subjects.

In this modern era hypertension is a very common disease with the prevalence rate of 29.8% in India with the higher % in the males. And there only 5% cases are with known cause of hypertension i.e. Secondary/Inessential hypertension all the other cases is of Primary/Essential hypertension. No specific reason is known for the primary hypertension. One of the majorly acceptable reason for primary hypertension is modern age life style and stress factors. Manas prakruti is of three kinds-Shudha, Rajas, Tamas. Out of these Shudha is meant for blessings, Rajas is meant for anger and Tamas is meant for folly. Following passages describe each kind of characteristics specifically observed in personalities dominated by these kinds. That’s why study of Manas Prakruti and its association with hypertension is very important to at least make a conclusive statement about the causes of primary hypertension. In this study we studied 30 prediagnosed hypertensive male subjects in the age group between 30-50 and their association with Manas Prakruti. The assessment of Manas Prakruti is done with the help of Ayusoft C-DAC proforma. The analysis of association between Manas Prakruti and Prediagnosed Hypertension is done with the help of graphical representation. In this study we found that Manas prakruti makes a major role in the hypertensive subjects. In this study we found that Raja Prakruti persons are more prone to hypertension than Tama Prakruti following by Satva Prakruti.