As wireless sensor technology changing it importance day by day; for different purposes this technology is entering in the world of engineering increasing. ZigBee technology is a new standard in wireless personal area after Bluetooth. After an introduction to this technology, a new wireless meter-reading system based on ZigBee protocol has beneficial. This system, which is comprised of ZigBee network and database store technique, has many important advantages such as effective cost cutting, low power utilization, and low date transfer rate. Wireless Sensor Network based on ZigBee technology is a wireless network which is composed of many nodes of ZigBee RF chip, sensor and MCU, especially helpful for application of the remote monitoring system in flammable and explosive environment. Both technique RFID and Zigbee is also possible which turn out to be boon in wireless sensor network technology. This is the survey of wireless sensor and wireless network technology. Wireless sensor network technology has become one of technological basic needs of us.