Thermodynamic Analysis Of Gas Turbine Power Plant Based On Energy And Entropy Analysis

Research Article
Vinay Singh and Laxminarayan R Bhandarkar
Gas turbine, Co generation, Thermodynamics, Heat, Power.

In this paper a comprehensive review has been reported in the field of gas turbine based cycle with their various integration system and analysis. The thermodynamic analysis of the interconnected reactant gas turbine cycle has been examined. Utilizing the waste heat from gas turbine outlet two heat exchangers has been used i.e. recuperation and intercooler. In the are of heat exchanger design, heat transfer can be enhanced by reducing Liquid temperature difference from fluid and damage by increasing the heat surface area. In this paper the energy and entropy generation within the cycle has examined for wide range of pressure ratio and operating turbine inlet temperature. From the analysis It has been observed that the use of the recuperator improves the performance of the gas turbine cycle significantly.