The carbanyl compounds (Sevin insecticide) widely used as insecticides and chemical welfare agents. Although extremely toxic in some cases, these materials are generally short lived in the environment compared to halogenated organics and related compounds. The decrease of total protein content in both liver and brain is may be due to less incorporation of amino acids in the translation process i.e., a reduced incorporation into any kind of proteins and pesticides disturb the protein synthesis. In the present study the total protein content in both liver and brain in Indian toad decreased after Sevin insecticide (25 ppm and 50 ppm) treatment. In the brain of Sevin insecticide treated toad the reduction was 64% and 68 % respectively. At 48 h exposure the decrease in lipid content in liver was 58.18% and 63.63% where as in brain it was 65.21% and 69.56%. Simultaneously, during 72 hrs of treatment the percent reduction in total lipid content in Sevin insecticide treated liver was 60% and 65.45% and in brain 66.66% and 75% was observed respectively. . From this experiment it was observed that Sevin insecticide has a strong potential to reduce hemoglobin, WBC and RBC in Rana cyanophlictis.