Introduction: Transcultural care has focused on understanding cultures and their specific care needs and how to provide individualized care tailored to their needs and lifestyle. Positive transcultural communication leads to establishment of trust, resulting in an increased satisfaction of care, higher quality interactions and adherence to treatment. The project "Transcultural Nursing for Practice" (TNP)(ERASMUS+ Project: 2017-1-CZ01- KA202-035512) aims to collect and display coherent, comprehensive and easily accessible information concerning individual cultures and their expectations from healthcare services to facilitate the organization and planning of care for culturally diverse patients. Methodology: As a first step, we conducted a systematic review of the literature to identify key areas of transcultural care competences as identified by the ICN. At the next step, a set of guiding questions where developed by consensus of the task leaders (MP and GL) and a Delphi approach using a three round process was initiated. This lead to the eventual formation nd validation of a Transcultural Healthcare Screening Questionnaire based on a 5-point graded Likert scale. Results: The questions finally included in the questionnaire have achieved a minimum 80% consensus during the final Delphi round. Results showed unanimous consent concerning:1) the need for patient rights protection (including end of life issues) at both local and national level, 2) the expectation of societal responsiveness to the needs of different groups,3) the role of time and staff limitations and poor communicationas contributors to low patient satisfaction and 4) the significance of healthcare working conditions for both providers’ and patients’ wellbeing. Conclusions: Cultural diversity and transcultural care should be included in the core training curriculum of health professionals. National Health Systems should use tools such as the Transcultural Healthcare Screening Questionnaire to establish and develop quality standards of transcultural awareness in healthcare.