Transformational Leadership Implemented In Junior High Schools East Java Indonesia

Research Article
Ahmad Tanzeh, Naharin Suroyya, Sulistyorin and Imam Junaris
transformational leadership, principal, education quality

Transformational leadership theory enables school principals to implement their vision and missions through taking up several measures such as motivating the followers within the organization, coining and spreading out creative ideas, and creating caring and sharing attitudes among the school members. In so doing the principals are able to generate the entire elements of school in order to synergically promote the quality of education. Methodologically, this study applied a descriptive qualitative, by which they attempted to describe the facts concerning with (1) the principals’ strategies in giving inspiring motivation to their followers and (2) the principals’ strategies in giving attention to their followers in order to improve the education quality in their schools. This descriptive study tried to systematically, factually, and accurately make sense of the facts and characteristics of the principals’ managerial behavior in their organization in a particular place and period of time. And thus, the findings were inductively drawn from the evidence and data obtained from the field. The results of the study are presented as follows. First, the strategies used by the principals in managing the educational services of those mentioned schools are typical of transformational leadership. Those are (1) motivating his subordinates under his leadership by (a) growing inspirations through telling the interesting stories of national heroes, (b) modeling task accomplishment related to the management of the organization, and (c) giving regular briefings to promote the positive performance of the followers; (2) giving individual attention to all school members by (a) giving reward to achievers and punishment in the form of spoken polite protest or complaints to the misbehavers, and (b) building an emotional bond and social cohesivity between him and all school members via harmonious communication and paying a visit (silaturrohmi) to the schools members’ homes.