Tibb is a holistic system of medicine based on the Temperamental and Humoral Theories of the founders of medicine Hippocrates, Galen and Ibn Sina. Medical literature indicates that humours exist at both physical and meta-physical level, therefore at both a cellular and sub-cellular level. Tibb philosophy hypothesises that each individual has their own unique humoral composition in relation to their specific temperamental combination. In order to maintain health, this unique humoral composition needs to be maintained and balanced by physis, the body’s self-regulating/healing mechanism. Qualitative changes to the ideal humoral composition occurs from poor lifestyle resulting in imbalances occurring leading to signs and symptoms, affecting different systems of the body. Treatment is therefore aimed at restoring homeostasis, by eliminating excess or abnormal humours. This paper is based on research testing this hypothesis. The treatment approach focussed on restoring homeostasis using specifically designed herbal infusions targeting identified excess or abnormal humours. Where necessary other therapeutic interventions such as cupping, massage and additional herbal medication were employed. In addition, special emphasis was placed on the elimination of excess or abnormal humours via the colon and the kidneys. Patients with a number of common illnesses, both acute and chronic illnesses were evaluated.