This investigation was undertaken to assess the influence of three cultivation zones and two picking methods on the biochemical composition of broadleaf morphotype of Lippia Multiflora (blmLM), in order to determine the area and method likely to give leaves for a tea of a good quality. Results showed significant variability in leaves composition according to cultivation area and plucking method. Leaf samples of fine picking (LsFP) from Beoumi were the most rich in protein (26.73%), tannins (14.26 mg/g), flavanone (13.33 mg/g), while the highest amount of total phenolic compounds (TPC) content (2061 mg GAE/100g), ash (10.25%), fat (8.46 %) and caffeine (7.06 mg/g) were found in leaf samples of coarse picking (LsCP) from the same area. Ca (9072.00- 14981.17 mg/kg), K (2843.00-13565.67 mg/kg) and Mg (3122.64-4952 mg/Kg), were the most abundant minerals of blmLM leaves. This study revealed that Beoumi was the suitable cultivation area which may provide leaves with best nutritional qualities. Bondoukou and Korhogo showed similar general leaves biochemical characteristics. On the other hand fine plucking method was most profitable than coarse plucking on biochemical point of view.