To evaluate patients with arterial disease, palpation of peripheral arterial pulse is commonly used. In lower limb, palpation of dorsalispedis artery is used to evaluate the arteriosclerotic diseases.
Dorsalispedis artery is the main source of blood supply to the dorsum of the foot. A knowledge about the origin, course and branching pattern of this artery is essential, as it forms the stem for one of the major myocutaneous flaps, used for ankle surgeries in plasticand reconstructive surgeries. During routine dissection variation in branching paterrn of dorsalispedis artery in two lower limbs were noted.
In one specimen the dorsalispedis artery was found to have ashort straight course and divided into medial and lateral branches.The medial branch continued as the first dorsal metatarsal artery and joined the plantar arch.The lateral branch coursed obliquely towards the head of the other metatarsal bones and gave off the second, third and fourth metatarsal arteries which coursed in the inter-metatarsal spaces.
In another specimen the arcuate artery failed to arise from the dorsalis pedis artery As variation in dorsalispedis artery is not uncommon, it is essential to have a sound knowledge about the artery. It is advisableto have preoperative angiography for any abnormality, to prevent risks during surgical intervention.