A 40-year-old female (SK) reporteda complaint of obesity, acidity, and depression. She intended to reduce weight without any medicine intake or any crash diet. After going through the client's history, an integrated approach was developed, which includes Dietmodification, Yoga,andDhauti (Tripple Driver Approach (TDA)) prescribed accordingly. Its impact on reducing weight was studied. KunjalKriya/Dhauti/ViV (Voluntarily Induced Vomiting) is a yogic cleansing technique given in 'GherandSamhita1/ 39,40 and Hathyogpradipika2/22,25, which involves voluntarily inducing vomiting after drinking sufficient amount of water in the early morning with empty stomach soon after leaving the bed. Interesting results were found, with a reduction of 36 kg of weight in around three years from 102 (BMI 44) to 66 kg (BMI 28). ‘Dhauti’ seems to have the lion's sharein reducing food cravingsalong with diet and yoga during this rejuvenation. Some psychological observationsfoundwere increased positivity, feeling light, and cleanlinessof the body along with rejuvenation, increased body energy and enthusiasm, and better skin color. It also reduces anger, acidity, and cough. This successful case study and its ‘Triple Driver Approach’(TDA) approach might be referred to and adapted for other similar cases in the future.