Wifi: With Intent For Integrity

Research Article
Usha Banerjee., Jiji Dias., Simmy Rajan and Maryline Flinsi
Human resource practice, staff attrition, staff engagement, employee engagement

Plagued by a nursing shortage of crisis proportions HR is focusing too much on recruitment and retention that has contributed to disturbing rates of attrition. No wonder that cost of manpower resources are increasing each day. Nurses need to see support from the administration. Leadership involvement is important in providing good working environment and professional development. The stress of the job can be reduced by sharing responsibilities of the workplace. From concierge services that help nurses with errands to flexible scheduling, hospitals are doing whatever it takes to allow nurses to focus on their work and keep them in their jobs for years to come. “To foster staff retention, organizations need to develop environment in which nurses want to work”. The Nursing Leadership Team under the guidance of The Group Director Nursing of Indraprastha Apollo hospitals of Delhi brain stormed about methods to minimize the internal factors responsible for staff attrition. A yearly plan of activities was designed on 2 categories patient perspective and staff perspective. The outcome was presented in terms of staff satisfaction, culture building, effective communication, increased productivity, higher focus on motivation, contentment, handholding of junior staff, increase in competitive spirit, consultant satisfaction and sustainability .The total nursing staff having more than 5 year experience is 11%.