Uterine leiomyomas are the most well known benign tumors of child bearing age group. However these tumors are known to regress after menopause in 70-90% of cases. With time several secondary degenerative changes can develop in a fibroid. Owing to its location calcific degeneration, though uncommon, can pose diagnostic difficulty due to its radiological misinterpretation imparting an impression of a parasitic leiomyoma. We hereby report a rare case of calcified subserosal leiomyoma occuring in a postmenopausal woman. A 50 year old postmenopausal woman presented with complaints of descent of a mass per vaginum and lower abdominal pain. Vaginal hysterectomy without salpingo- oophorectomy was performed. On Histopathological examination a diagnosis of calcified leiomyoma was rendered. With only few cases reported so far, Subserosal leiomyoma of uterus with extensive calcification in a postmenopausal woman is rare entity and its possibility must be considered in the list of differentials of calcified masses of pelvis.