This prospective study was carried out in department of Radiodiagnosis, VIMS, RKM Seva Pratisthan, Kolkata from a period of March 2010 to June 2011. To evaluate the role of high resolution USG in adhesive capsulitis (AC). Total of 50 patients (29 male and 21 female) with clinical diagnosis of AC were evaluated by USG using 7.5 to 12 MHz linear array transducer with color power doppler facility and 3.5 to 5 MHz convex transducer for anterior labrum and glenoid rim and employing proper patient positioning optimum techniques and using standardized diagnostics criteria. In all cases proper history taking, clinical examination and supportive investigation were performed. Conventional radiograph were taken in all cases. Follow up study was divided according to clinical problems and its magnitude, consent of the patient and clinical course and treatment plan. Few cases were planned for other imaging modalities like CT scan and MR Imaging. Cases were planned for conservative management and evaluation of the course of the disease clinically and sonographically to establish a final diagnosis. Dynamic sonography was highly sensitive 100% and specific 100% for AC but most importantly USG excluded other pathologies like occult fracture of humeral head, supraspinatus tendon tear, long head of biceps tear, impingement syndrome which simulated AC. Color doppler revealed hypervascularity around the affected shoulder joint in infective and inflammatory conditions.