Research Article

Zooplankton diversity, Zooplankton, Yamuna River and Kalpi.
Present paper deals with the analysis of zooplankton diversity and their seasonal variation of density in the Yamuna river at Kalpi, district Jalaun, U.P.. Samples were collected from four sampling sites for a period of one year (October 2013 to September 2014) in each month of every season. After analysis of collected samples, registered zooplankton were belong to 22 species of 16 genera of different groups like as Protozoa (3 species of 3 genera), Rotifera (12 species of 6 genera), Cladocera (5 species of 5 genera) and Copepoda (2 species of 2 genera). It was noticed that density of zooplankton was maximum in summer, minimum in rainy season and intermediate in winter season