Optically quality Single crystal of ZnS Doped GTCA were grown from aqueous solution employing slow evaporation technique. From the Powder X-ray diffractograms it is found that ZnS Doped GTCA belongs to Triclinic System. The Lattice Parameters were determined from Single crystal Xray diffraction analysis. The various Functional groups present in the grown crystals were identified using FT-IR and FT-Raman Spectroscopic analysis. The transmittance and absorbance of electromagnetic radiation is studied through UV-Visible Spectrum. The Thermal behavior of the grown crystals has been investigated by TG/DTA analysis. The emission of green light with the use of Nd:YAG laser (λ=1058)nm confirmed the second harmonic generation properties of the grown crystals. The determined Vicker’s hardness number and work hardening co-efficient of the grown crystals ascertains the nature of the crystal.