This study was conducted to determine the psychological capital and organizational identification levels of the personnel working at a state hospital in Turkey, and to analyze the relationship of both concepts with each other. Psychological capital scale, organizational identification scale and a questionnaire consisting of the personal characteristics of the participants were used in the collection of the data related to the study. A total of 138 people was included in the research. As a result of the study, it was established that the psychological capital levels of the participants were above average and the participants identified with their institutions at an average level. The assessments made on psychological capital and organizational identification doesn’t differ according to the participants’ sex, age, marital status, educational status and total period of service. Positive and significant relationships were found between the dimensions of psychological capital and organizational identification. 27.2% of the change in organizational identification are explained by optimism, resiliency, hope and self efficacy, which are the dimensions of psychological capital, and the most effective independent variable is the resiliency dimension.