The professional stress is differently lived according to the professional categories. The objective of this article is to raise the sociodemographic parameters of physicians and nurses of the health institutions of the City of Lubumbashi, parameters that influence the real-life experience of the stress of investigated subjects. Registered in the quantitative approach, this study collected the data by questionnaire on a laminated proportional sample of 562 subjects (n=562), among which 432 nurses and 130 doctors. These data were encoded in Microsoft Excel and analyzed via Epi Infor software version 7.2 of 2016 and SPSS 19.0 of 2012. The hypothesis was tested on base of the test of chisquare. Considering the Odds ratio (OR) and the confidence interval (CI) of 95 % in the interpretation, the results indicate that, in the sanitary organizations of Lubumbashi, the sociodemographic and professional parameters (sex, marital status, age, age, seniority in health department) allow to understand that the professional stress is modulated or influenced by "moderating variables". In conclusion, certain results of association or of non-association converge or contrast with the previous searches or the existing literature on this matter. From then on, the professional stress of the physicians and nurses is a phenomenon inter-connected with the sociodemographic parameters as "individual resources".