The present study is carried out from November 2015 to March, 2016 to access the socio – economic profile of the respondent and price spread of brinjal in Allahabad District. Soran village was purposively selected for the study because of high economics in brinjal production. A sample of 100 farmers’ cultivating brinjal (56 small farmers; 31 medium farmers; 13 large farmers) has been selected on purposive random sampling technique. Details of marketing and agencies involved in marketing of the brinjal were obtained from 5 functionaries from each category selected randomly. The result of a demand from the spectrum of prices and transactions supply, which is the leading manufacturer for the consumer marketing system at various levels, between the various intermediaries is also unique to the vegetables. In addition, at different stages in marketing system price levels play an important role in farm gate to end users. These features make the marketing system of vegetables to dissimilar from other agricultural commodities, especially in providing time, form and space utilities.