This work reports, the crystalline Ag doped cobalt ferrite (CoFe2O4) spinel oxide powder was synthesized by nitrate–citrate sol–gel auto-combustion process. The study was focused on effect of Ag dopedCoFe2O4 on the Physico-Chemical characterization and electrical properties. The Phase composition, crystallinity, structure and electrical behaviour materials were studied by X-ray diffraction, FTIR and electric properties. XRD result confirmed the single cubic phase spinel structure with the lattice constant is obtained in the rage of8.367 to 8.377Å.FTIR analysis confirmed the two specific vibrational stretching bands corresponding to the spinel ferrite geometry. The DC electrical resistivity is obtained 1.4 to 1.8 cm at room temperature. Dielectric parameters were studied as a function of frequency in the range of 1–10 MHz at 300 K.