Effect of anti inflammatory activity of ayurvedic capsule in albino rats

Research Article
Sagar N Salunkhe., Sachin Jagdale., Snehalata Sagar. Salunkhe., Jyoti C. Mane and Soham S. Salunkhe
Herbal Capsules, Diclofenac, Carrageenan, Paw edema

The inflammatory response is a biological reaction that takes place in response to damaging stimuli such as pathogens, damaged cells, or irritants. This reaction takes place in order to protect the body from further harm caused by the damaging stimuli. The body goes through this reaction so that it can defend itself against any additional damage. It is clinically characterised by cardinal symptoms such as redness, fever, discomfort, and edema, and it performs a preventive role through the body's natural defense systems while simultaneously causing edema. Additionally, it is clinically characterized by edema. In addition to this, it will eventually result in edema. Because natural therapies are perceived to be safer and to have fewer unpleasant side effects, natural medications are regarded as being preferable to their synthetic equivalents. This is the primary reason why natural medicines are preferred. In laboratories, synthetic medications were conceived and birthed. Over the course of the past several years, the demand for synthetic herbal formulations has been consistently expanding throughout all of the marketplaces across the world.