Mind Mapping is a newer method of teaching, in which a main idea will be in the centre from which sub branches arise. Lecture method is a traditional method of teaching. The purpose of the study was to find out the effective method of teaching to improve the learning ability of nursing students. A mood disorder was the topic selected to assess the knowledge because it is an important and vast topic in mental health nursing. The aim of the study was to compare the effectiveness of mind mapping and lecture method on knowledge regarding mood disorder. Material and Method: A quantitative approach with quasi pre experimental, two group pre-test post-test design was used for the study. The subjects consisted of 60 nursing student selected using Non-Probability purposive sampling technique. The data was collected by administering a selfstructured questionnaire. The researcher gave teaching to group one using mind mapping and group two using lecture method. A post test was conducted on the seventh day. Result: mean pre and posttest knowledge score for group 1 were 8.53+1.83 and 11.60+2.60 respectively, whereas in group 2 it was 7.17+1.63and 11.37+2.20 respectively. The calculated Paired ‘t’ value if group 1 and group 2 were 7.54 And 8.76 respectively (t29=1.69, p<0.05). The comparison of effectiveness between mind mapping and lecture method were done using independents’’ test. The computed‘t’ Value of lecture method was 8.76 and for mind mapping was 7.54 and the mean difference of lecture method was 4.21 which is higher than mind mapping method i.e. 3.07, which indicated that lecture method is more significant in increasing the knowledge of nursing students comparing to mind mapping. There was no any association between pre-test knowledge scores and selected demographic variable which is calculated by fisher exact test. Conclusion: The study findings showed that lecture method is more significant increasing the knowledge on mood disorder among nursing student comparing to mind mapping. No significant association was found between the pre-test knowledge and selected demographic variables.