In this article, the author has the pretension to make the first elaboration of the first postulates of current Neuroscience (Neuroscience Theory). Subsequently, as one of the consequences of this first postulate, the author predicts or proposes a revolutionary new Direct Human-Machine Learning Method (or Direct Human-Machine Teaching-Learning Method). A method that can shorten the learning time and increase the amount of learning exponentially and develop other skills in the student in an unconscious or conscious state and without being enslaved him (or her). In this context, it is well known that Neuroscience, which is a multidisciplinary area of study, has attracted the attention of many scientific researchers and has presented the possibility of diverse applications in almost all areas of knowledge, for example: in Teaching and Learning, in Medicine, in Biology, in Computing, and so on and so forth. The reason for this is that technological advances from other areas of study to human knowledge have been directed towards promoting rapid and applied development in this multidisciplinary area. As a result, some older concepts about the brain → mind relationship have been abandoned and others proposed that are not yet well defined.