Objectives: Remains of human skeleton identification are an important part in forensic science. This study has been conducted for determination of gender and age estimation using digital panoramic radiographs in dentulous patients. Material and Methods: Study sample consisted of 200 patients referred for digital panoramic radiographs. For gender and age determination, measurements were made using the reference lines drawn from anatomical landmarks. Results: Present study showed that there was a statistically significant difference in the measurements between males and females on the right side. There was no statistically significant difference between the two age groups for different variables except for distance between the superior margins of the Mental Foramen(MF) to the inferior border of the mandible which showed significant difference. Most common appearance of MF was found to be “Separated” type. Test results however showed a statistically non significant association with gender. Most common horizontal location of MF was found to be in line with second premoloar in both gender. The position of MF relative to the apex of second premolar was found to be 78 on the mesial side. Conclusions: It is possible to conclude that the measurements can be used to determine the gender. Appearance of MF was found to be “Separated” type which cannot be used for gender determination. Most common horizontal location of MF was found to in line with second premolar. Most common position of MF relative to the apex of second premolar was found to be intersecting in males and mesial in females with no statistical significant association.