Nowadays business is determined by knowledge, in the present day worker is a knowledge worker, currently main cost in many Amenity and Knowledge determined businesses is the HR cost, and consequently the top management is very intense to have its emphasis on measuring HR’s efficiency called HR Metrics. Globalization and varying business dynamics now escalating challenges to HR and line management on how best to progress and arrange an responsive and extremely proficient employees while providing cost efficiency. HR metrics are a essential way to compute the outlay of HR and the influence the workforce plans and HR developments and determine the success or failure of HR propositions. They assist a company to pursue yearly trends and revolutions in these perilous factors. It is how enterprise compute the worth of the time and money expended on HR accomplishments in their organizations. Metrics deliver a number of variables that can be precise to show how HR interposes to the business. Some significant Methods such as absenteeism rate, health cost per employee, and HR expense factors show that HR has a wisdom of the value of human capital dimension in supporting our business purposes. The following calculators are elementary HR and business metrics to aid determine your enterprise’s absence rate, cost per hire, the value of your human capital and human capital return on investment. This study makes an effort to comprehend the significance of HR Metrics and its effectiveness and the instinctive method to determine HR.