Background: Out of all the shoulder disorders, shoulder impingement is the most commonly reported. Shoulder impingement is one of the important cause of shoulder pain. Patients with a history of chronic occupational or sports related shoulder stress are at increased risk for developing this disorder. Methodology: This was an interventional pre/post study. 30 patients with positive Hawkins and/or Neer impingement test were taken for the study as subjects. They were then divided into two groups of 15 each – Group A and Group B. Both the groups were assessed and reassessed for(i)pain status using NRS(Numerical Rating Scale) both at Rest & Activity (ii) Shoulder Flexion, Extension, Abduction, Adduction, Internal& External Range of Motion (ROM) & (iii)Functional scale SPADI (Shoulder pain and disability index) pre and post the intervention. Group A was implemented with Posterolateral Mulligan taping and Group B was implemented with Mulligan’s Posterolateral Glide Movement with Mobilization. The mean of the difference of pre and post techniques was taken. Comparison between the immediate effects of both the techniques was done using unpaired t-test. Results: Mulligan Taping technique promoted significant reduction in NRS both at rest and on activity (p < 0.001), Shoulder Flexion (p=0.0010), Abduction (0.0009), Internal rotation ROM (p=0.0009) & SPADI percentage (p=0.0029) as compared Mulligan’s Movement with Mobilization technique. Conclusions: Mulligan Taping is more effective as compared to Mulligan’s Movement with Mobilization technique in decreasing Pain status through NRS at rest & activity, Increasing Shoulder Flexion, Abduction and Internal rotation range of motion and improvising SPADI percentage.