Impact Of Biotechnology In Our Environment

Research Article
Jayalakshmi C and Thangaraj N
Green environment, optimal use of nature, feed stock, biological systems.

Biotechnology has come to play an increasing important role in many aspects of everyday life. The environment has to sustain not to only the basic human needs for survival, but also, the conversion of raw materials into products and services. Therefore, there is an urgent to exploit the biotechnological innovations for food, feed, energy products and clean and green environment. The utilizations of environmental biotechnology have significantly affected the world and will be one of the most valuable tools for improving the quality of life for future generations. Although many benefits are provided by these manipulations, there can also be unexpected, negative health and environmental out comes. Environmental biotechnology can simply be described the “ optimal use of nature, in the form of plants and animals, bacteria, fungi and algae, to produce renewable energy, food and nutrients in a synergistic integrated cycle of profit making process were the waste of each process becomes the feed stock for another process”. The international society for environmental biotechnology as “the development, use and regulation of biological systems like land, air, water and environment-friendly processes”