Impact Of Prosthesis On Oral Health Related Quality Of Life Among Complete Edentulous Geriatric Patients Using Gohai In Opd’s Of Dental Colleges Of Patna, Bihar

Research Article
Prabhjyot Singh, Suma B.S and Sadananda L.D
GOHAI, Denture wearer, Mean

Introduction: Loss of tooth affects the normal functional activities resulting in a range of reactions in edentulous individuals. (GOHAI) groups oral health self-perception in three basic functions: physical, psychosocial and pain/discomfort.

Aim: To assess the Impact of prosthesis on oral health related quality of life among complete edentulous geriatric patients using GOHAI in Opd’s of Dental colleges of Patna, Bihar.

Materials and Methods;- It is descriptive, cross-sectional survey. A self administered structured close ended questionnaire has been designed to obtain information about Impact of prosthesis on quality of life among complete edentulous geriatric patients using GOHAI in Opd’s of Dental colleges of Patna, Bihar. . The data will be entered into a statistical software program (SPSS 17; SPSS INC, Chicago, USA). ‘p’ value of <0.05 at 95% confidence interval will be taken as statistically significant..The response format was based on 5-point Likerts scale. Analysis was done using Graph Pad (version 6).‘Level of significance (p<0.05) at 95% confidence level and (p<0.01) at 99% confidence level. Chi-square test was used for analysing the association between parameters.

Results: Out of total 150 participants, majority 70 % of them were males while 30% were females. The mean GOHAI score for females changed from 19.18 ± 4.9 in non denture user to 20.04± 2.82. In case of primary school 19.52 ± 4.97 in case of denture users whereas it turned 21.97±2.73 in case of non denture users with a p value 0.03 significant results. In case of Graduates, middle school certificate, primary school education level the denture users scored low GOHAI as compared to non denture users. These people found no improvement on usage of denture.

Discussion: As per the present study, there was no significant difference between denture users and non denture user scores which showed that the improvement in dental health did not really have any impact on the general health status. Those who showed improvement to some extent were influenced more in psychological aspect, which certainly was improved after the treatment. Conclusion: This study showed that the GOHAI could be used to evaluate needs for and effect of prosthetic treatment. Clearly states that the oral health status and prosthetic status of elderly subjects across India was very poor with more oral disease and conditions, so immediate preventive measures should be instituted to avoid deterioration of their oral health.