Pearl millet is an important food and feed crops grown mostly in semi-arid regions of the world. Induced mutations are highly effective in enhancing natural genetic resources and have been used in developing beneficial variations for practical plant breeding. In the present study, C(cu)-9 variety of Pennisetum typhoides were treated with different concentration of Gamma rays such as 10, 20,30,40,50 and 60kR and 10,20,30,40 and 50mM of EMS along with control. The present investigation was carried out to find out the LD50 value, 7th and 15th day seedling characters, Plant height, Days to first bloom, Number of leaves, Number of nodes, Length of earhead, Breadth of earhead, 1000 grains weight and yield per plant. The survival percentage and mean value of M1 generation were decreased increasing doses/ Concentrations of treatment. Mean performance of different quantitative traits were better in control when compared with the treated plant.