Since building resilience among the farming community has become the most critical endeavor to adapt with climate change impacts in agriculture, it is high time to popularize and advocate the farmers to adopt climate resilient technologies to the extent possible. For this, their current knowledge on climate change and its impacts has to be assessed. Moreover, their current cognizance on the climate resilient practices and those which they are currently in practice has to be studied to make this endeavor easier. Since this awareness and adoption are found to be greatly influenced by the socio-economic characteristics of the farmer, an analysis was done to draw out the profile of the farmers for the study and to find out whether these characteristics significantly influenced the level of awareness and adoption shown by them. Spearman rank correlation was done to find out the significant socio-economic factors that influence the awareness on climate resilient practices and its adoption among the respondents. It was found that farm size, annual income, extent of farming integration, innovativeness, exposure to training, extension agency contact, access to climatological information and institutional support availed were having a positive and significant correlation with the awareness on climate change and adoption of climate resilient practices. Whereas, awareness on climate resilient practices and its adoption is having a positive correlation with educational status of the farmer (0.278 and 0.717 respectively at 0.01 level of significance) apart from the before mentioned factors.