A mixed method study was done using Exploratory Sequential Qualitative Quantitative approach to identify the stressful situations and investigate the strategies adopted by middle and high school teachers. In qualitative study, interview was conducted among two focus groups comprised of 7 participants of middle and high school teachers Working conditions and overloadness were the main cause of stress. A quantitative survey tool was distributed among 40 participants. Maximum participants utilized positive coping behavior followed by neutral and negative coping behavior to deal with stress. Quantitative data findings indicate that the overall mean percentage of stress was 64.97%, which indicates high level of stress. The highest stress causing factors were powerlessness 17.8% and role ambiguity 17.7%. The mean percentage for middle and high school teachers are 61.52% and 68.42%, which indicates average and high level of stress respectively. Since (t)= 2.66 > t0.05=2.02 (table Value) which concludes that there is significant relationship between stress levels of Middle and High School Teachers. The study concluded that there is a need to implement positive coping strategies and stress management for teachers.