The article develops the ontology of the flow, which is contrasted to the substance ontology. Ontology of substance is deconstructed, leaving the playfulness of accidencies, unsubordinated to the substance centre. The tyrannical and democratic sights to the world are compared. The first is associated with the Western metaphysical tradition, which imposed its concepts to reality, the second imposes nothing to reality and recognizes the democracy of things. The ontology of the flow sees the world without the stable ground, and claims causaless universe which thinking model is rooted in the playfulness of the D. Hume’s billiard balls. The Great flow as the origin of the universe is revealed. It is recognised that after deconstruction of substance is reveald free playfulness of accidences, this brings you closer to the love as the nerve of God, which gives and loves, without anything retaining or holding back. In this respect, the non-substancial and non-traditional concept of God is stated.