The study conducted in a tertiary care hospital regarding the vitamin D deficiency in patients coming to the hospital concludes that out of the 2955 patients studied, 1769 patients were found to be deficient in vitamin D and 603 were found to have levels below international standards which show high prevalence of vitamin D insufficiency in otherwise healthy adults. It is quite an alarming scenario as vitamin D deficiency can affect bone health which ultimately impairs the quality of life of the patients. The test to confirm vitamin –D deficiency is costly (around 2000 Indian rupees) and cannot be afforded by most of the patients. Hence it is practical to advice all people living in Vitamin D deficient country like India to take Vitamin D supplement 60000 International units once a week (cost is around 25 Indian rupees) initially for 3 months and then monthly once lifelong in order to prevent vitamin-D deficiency further. The incidence of Vitamin D toxicity will be very rare if this regimen is followed. Further studies are warranted to find out the incidence of vitamin D deficiency in a larger population and also to look for any major Vitamin D toxicity