The aim of this study is to find out if there is any relation between the presence of refractive errors and presence of strabismus. Materials And Methods-In this retrospective study, all patients attending squint clinic affected by horizontal comitant squint were included and a chart review was done of all patients with horizontal strabismus to find out type of refractive errors. Resuts-100 patients were examined, of which 46 had exodeviation and 54 had esodeviations. Amongst 92 eyes with exodeviations, 12(13.04%) had myopia, 39(42.39%) had hypermetropia, 38(41.3%) had astigmatism and 3(3.2%) were emmetropes. Of 108 eyes with esodeviations 8(7.4%) had myopia, 68(53.7%) had hypermetropia and 42(38.88%) had astigmatism. Chi square test showed significant relation between refractive error and strabismus.Conclusion-This study shows significant relation between refractive error and strabismus.