The purpose of this study was to analysis the performance of Indian and foreign players in Pro- Kabaddi session-1 & 2. This study comes under the category of descriptive survey of study in the field of physical education. This study has also helpful for enhance the knowledge about what is role of Indian and Foreign players in Pro-Kabaddi. To conduct the study all the data and related sources were collected through internet and daily newspapers. After the success of the first season of this series, which saw an incredible fan following, the second season is all set to become bigger and better. There are eight teams contending to win the title this season of Pro-Kabaddi League 2015. In Pro-Kabaddi Season-2 U-Mamba the team of Mumbai has win the title. In Pro-Kabaddi Season-2 as many as 25 players can feature in squad for each of the eight franchisee. Here looks upon the most successful top six raiders and defenders has performed well in Pro-Kabaddi Season-2.After collected all the data and relative sources the performance of Indian and Foreign players were analysis in the following. It is concluded from the result that Indian players were better performing than foreign players. No foreign players were enlisted there name into the top raiders or top defenders lists. The participation of foreign players does not improve the standard of Indian Kabaddi performance. Whereas the participation of foreign players in IPL & ISL has greatly improved the Indian sport performances